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Letter of instruction number 71 C from the office of the chairman of group of 77 United Nations Plaza New York 1 USA through Deputy Secretary General Mr. Alistair Mother for UN Commission of international trade law and the International Security Council SC subjects approve the manila declaration General Assembly of the group of 77 1981 adopted the new world legal order dated October 4th 1982 in Untied Cancun Mexico it was resolved and amended dear sir I presently constituted being the head of state president of the republic of the Philippines and the spokesman of the UN group of 77 for the International Security Council exercising the veto our Sustain UN Charter Rebecca Salk article 55 the United Nations Charter in accordance with resolution 108 and 109 and all the article 5 5 5 7 6 3 for economic and social cultural Council ECOSOC through the trusteeship Council Convention adopt in resolution number 93 LV in accordance with article 55 for the preparation of Equip OCK 2005 economic project of the Alter Alma de World Peace Community Development Program in the year 2005 new world legal order adopted October 4th 1980 to have only five Commissions one UNIDO to uncap three World Health Organization for UNHCR and five Alter Omegas the implementer of the World Peace Marshall Plan program therefore the range of activities covered of every aspect of the human existence for the people of the world including academic studies and researches for the world Decker sock for the World Peace program of actions henceforth here off I hereby appoint TV m/l s/m 666 to chill decree zero one zero two seven four our decree two chilled number zero one zero two seven four our recorded in seventh book in seven co-author rest of the fairy story and Malakand and palace republic act number fifty-four forty-five fifty-four forty-six article 11, section 124 Philippines o the new constitution age world UN military government's trilateral ID number five four three two one zero one zero as my proxy successor further members of ad hoc committee of the group of 23 in preparatory commodities otherwise finance the ECOSOC 2005 based in approved plan said in resolution number 93 LV article five five five seven six three adopted resolution number thirty-four 42:30 of 1979 under economic zone of um tad v General Assembly known as international law of the sea law of treaties and the law of Redeemer Resolution number 33 62 s v 2 sixth series of 1974 declaration of diplomatic and consular ownership age administer under executive order seventy-six United Nations plan of action number 35 authenticated by ambassador of Paris honorable Salva appeal apes' this new world legal order no intervention non news of political power and respect the sovereignty to avoid the destruction of the international documents represented by the bear a TV m/l s/m 666 to maintain the state of harmony amended in October 25th 1967 any trustee bullion Bank refused to coordinate and follow the rule of banking law of...
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